National Days of Teaching Truth
Statement of Resistance and Solidarity
The undersigned groups and individuals call for an immediate end to:
Censoring and banning of books that reflect diverse perspectives of life in the US
Banning the truth about US history including racism, sexism, economic oppression
Silencing of teachers’ and students’ voices, identities and lived experiences
Encouraging educators and students to betray educators who dare to teach truth
Tiplines for parents and community members to report educators that teach truth
Instituting legislation and policies that mandate what can and cannot be taught in classrooms
‘Don’t say gay’ legislation and other educational gag orders that silence LGBTQI+ students and educators
And the many other attacks on public education in a democratic society
We are joining in solidarity during the National Days of Teaching Truth to resist these repressive and undemocratic mandates, policies, and legislation.
During the month of May, 2022 we will demonstrate our collective resistance by engaging in actions –not just in schools–but also at school board meetings, public meetings and forums, libraries, at community centers, on-line and on social media.
As educators and supporters of public education, we are charged with honoring the dignity and acknowledging the identities and experiences of every student, by teaching the truth.
Jerell Hill, Pacific Oaks College
Kevin Kumashiro, Education Deans for Justice and Equity (EDJE)
Paul Thomas, Furman University
Ricardo Rosa, Educational Justice Org
Statement Sign On
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